The New Don Ellis Band goes underground : Don Ellis at Fillmore : [digitally re-mastered]

Don Ellis
Bok Engelsk 2014 · jazz

Suffolk : BGO Records , 2014
2 CDer
BGO Records: BGOCD1143. - Utgitt første gang 1969-70. - Innhold: House in the country ; Don't leave me ; Higher ; Bulgarian bulge ; Eli's comin ; Acoustical lass ; Good feelin' ; Send my baby back ; Love for rent ; It's your thing ; Ferris wheel ; Black baby ; Final analysis ; Excursion II ; The magic bus ate my doughnut ; The blues ; Salvatore Sam ; Rock odyssey ; Hey Jude ; Antea ; Old man's tear ; Great divide ; Pussy wiggle stomp. - Opplysninger om utøverne i omslagheftet

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