Pro PowerShell for Database Developers

by Bryan P. Cafferky.
Bok Engelsk 2015
1 online resource (419 p.)
1st ed. 2015.
Includes index.. - Contents at a Glance; Contents; About the Author; About the Technical Reviewer; Acknowledgments; Introduction; Chapter 1: PowerShell Basics; What Is PowerShell?; Why Is PowerShell Important?; History of PowerShell Versions; Starting PowerShell; The Command Line Interface (CLI); The Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE) ; Enabling Scripting; Using the Integrated Scripting Environment; Encountering Script Errors; Summary; Chapter 2: The PowerShell Language; Challenges to Learning PowerShell; Thinking Differently; Just Got to Get the Job Done; Getting Good Examples. - Default Parameter Values When No Default Is Specified Distinguishing Parameter Default Values from Intended Values ; String Parameters ; Numeric Parameters ; Boolean Parameters ; Array Parameters ; Validating Parameters the Old-Fashioned Way; Using Parameter Sets ; Using Switch Parameters with Parameter Sets; ValueFromPipeline and ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName Attributes ; Internationalization with the Data Section ; Summary; Chapter 6: Extending PowerShell; The Four Types of Modules; Script Modules; A Warning about Variable Scopes; Using a Module Like an Object. - Exporting Members. - Pipelining Example: SQL Server Deployment Formatting Output; Creating and Using COM Objects; Creating and Using .Net Objects; Waiting for a File; Summary; Chapter 4: Writing Scripts; Strict Mode ; Error Handling ; Using the Try/Catch Block; The Trap Statement; Using Try/Catch and the Trap Statement Together; Setting the ErrorActionPreference Preference Variable; Using the Error Variable and the ErrorAction Parameter; More on the Error Variable; Common cmdlet Parameters ; Debugging; Events and Script Blocks: The Perfect Marriage; Using Windows Events. - The Paradox of Power The PowerShell Language; A Brief Introduction Using a Script; Operators and Operands; Cmdlets; Variables; Cmdlet Output; Strings; Basic Strings; Here Strings; String Manipulation; Regular Expressions; Editing Strings Using Regular Expressions; Files; Control Flow; If/Elseif/Else; Switch; For Loop; For Each; While; Script Blocks; Arrays; Associative Arrays; Summary; Chapter 3: Advanced Programming; Passing Parameters; Functions; It's All about Objects; A Real-World Use of PowerShell Objects for ETL; Remember the Pipeline. - Using . NET Object Events Using PowerShell Transactions; Conceptual Overview; An Example of How Transactions Should Work; Why Doesn't It Work?; Setting the Integrated Script Editor (ISE) Options; Summary; Chapter 5: Writing Reusable Code; CmdletBinding Arguments ; SupportsShouldProcess ; HelpURI ; SupportsPaging ; Validating Parameters; Validating a String ; Validating a Number ; Validating an Array ; Using the ValidateScript Attribute ; Default Parameter Values; Specifying a Default Parameter Value; Using PSDefaultParameterValues ; Code Using PSDefaultParameterValues. - Pro PowerShell for Database Developers helps you master PowerShell application development by continuing where other books leave off. There are no "Hello World" functions here, just real-world examples that get down to business. Develop and deploy database and ETL applications in a reusable framework. Read from any data source and write to any destination. Integrate PowerShell with SQL Server.   Pro PowerShell for Database Developers shows how to dive into the PowerShell environment and customize it to your needs. Learn about function polymorphism using parameter sets, and extend objects via PowerShell-style inheritance. Use PowerShell as an ETL tool surpassing even SSIS. Write full-blown Windows GUI applications, and implement multi-threading through the .NET Windows Workflow Foundation.  All these topics are explained using real-world examples encapsulated into modules you can immediately put to use in your organization. You’ll reap even more as you come to grips with all that PowerShell can do. Begin the journey toward deep expertise and amazing productivity. Buy and read Pro PowerShell for Database Developers today.

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