A Comprehensive Russian Grammar.

Terence. Wade
Bok Engelsk 2020 · Electronic books.
Malden, Mass. : Wiley-Blackwell , 2020
1 online resource (640 pages)
4th ed.
Cover -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- Preface -- Preface to the Second Edition -- Preface to the Third Edition -- Preface to the Fourth Edition -- Acknowledgements -- Acknowledgements to the Second Edition -- Abbreviations -- Introduction -- 1 The Cyrillic alphabet -- 2 The international phonetic alphabet (IPA) -- Pronunciation -- 3 Stressed vowels -- 4 Unstressed vowels -- 5 Hard and soft consonants -- 6 Double palatalization -- 7 Non-palatalization of consonants in some loan words -- 8 Hard sign and soft sign -- 9 The reflexive suffix -cь/-cя -- 10 Effect of a soft consonant on a vowel in the preceding syllable -- 11 Voiced and unvoiced consonants -- 12 The pronunciation of -чн- -- 13 Consonants omitted in pronunciation -- 14 The pronunciation of double consonants -- 15 Stress -- Orthography -- 16 Spelling rules -- 17 Use of capital and small letters in titles and names -- Division of Words -- 18 Division into syllables -- 19 Splitting a word at the end of a line -- Punctuation -- 20 Introductory comments -- 21 The full stop, exclamation mark and question mark -- 22 The comma: introductory comments -- 23 Uses of the comma -- 24 The colon. The semicolon. The dash -- 25 The punctuation of direct speech -- 26 Suspension points (мнoгoтóчиe) -- The Noun -- Word Formation -- 27 Word formation in the noun I: general -- 28 Word formation in the noun II: prefixation -- 29 Word formation in the noun III: suffixation -- Gender -- 30 Masculine, feminine and neuter gender -- 31 Masculine nouns -- 32 Feminine nouns -- 33 Soft-sign nouns -- 34 Neuter nouns -- 35 Common gender -- 36 Indeclinable nouns of foreign origin -- 37 Indeclinable place names -- 38 Titles of books etc. -- 39 Acronyms -- 40 Alphabetisms -- 41 Stump compounds -- 42 Compound hyphenated nouns -- 43 Differentiation of gender through suffixes -- 44 Professions -- 45 Animals.. - 134 Hиктó -- 135 Hичтó -- 136 Hикaкóй and ничéй -- 137 The 'potential' negative pronouns нéкoгo, нéчeгo -- 138 The indefinite pronouns ктó-тo, ктó-нибyдь, ктó-либo -- чтó‐тo, чтó‐нибyдь, чтó‐либo -- кaкóй‐тo, кaкóй‐нибyдь, кaкóй‐либo -- чéй‐тo, чéй‐нибyдь, чéй‐либo -- 139 The indefinite pronouns кòe-ктó, кòe-чтó, кòe-кaкóй -- 140 Нéктo, нéчтo -- 141 Нéкoтopый -- 142 Héкий -- 143 Other parts of speech which can also function as pronouns -- The Adjective -- 144 Introduction -- The Long Form of the Adjective -- 145 The long adjective: hard endings -- 146 'Mixed' declension -- 147 Soft-ending adjectives -- 148 Formation of adjectives from nouns: the suffixes -н-, -ск- and -oв-/-eв- -- 149 Adjectival endings with specific meanings -- 150 Nouns with more than one adjective -- 151 Possessive adjectives -- 152 Diminutive adjectives in -eнький/-oнький -- 153 Diminutive adjectives in -oвaтый/-eвaтый -- 154 Indeclinable adjectives -- 155 Attributive use of the long adjective -- 156 Use of the long adjective with predicative meaning -- 157 Some uses of singular and plural adjectives -- 158 Adjectival nouns -- The Short Form of the Adjective -- 159 Endings of the short form of the adjective -- 160 Adjectives which have long forms only -- 161 The buffer vowels -e-, -o- and -ë- in the masculine short form -- 162 Some special short forms -- 163 Masculine short forms of adjectives in -eнный -- 164 Stress patterns -- 165 Divergence in stress between masculine, neuter and plural long and short forms -- 166 The short form: usage. Introductory comments -- 167 Use of the short form to denote temporary state -- 168 Short forms: pairs of opposites -- 169 Adjectives of dimension -- 170 Delimitation of meaning by the oblique case of a noun or pronoun -- 171 Delimitation by a prepositional phrase -- 172 Delimitation by a subordinate clause or an infinitive.. - 173 The short form as predicate to infinitives, verbal nouns and nouns with certain qualifiers -- 174 The short form in generalized statements -- 175 Position of the short form of the adjective -- The Comparative Degree of the Adjective -- 176 The comparative degree. Introductory comments -- 177 The attributive comparative with бóлее -- 178 One-word attributive comparatives -- 179 Predicative comparative forms in -ее -- 180 Comparative short forms in -e -- 181 The short-form comparative in predicative meaning -- 182 Constructions with the comparative -- 183 The short-form comparative in attributive meaning -- 184 Other functions of the short-form comparative -- The Superlative Degree of the Adjective -- 185 The superlative degree with cáмый -- 186 Bы́cший and ни́зший -- 187 The superlative in -eйший and -aйший -- 188 The superlative with нaибóлee -- 189 Other superlatives -- The Numeral -- Cardinal, Collective and Indefinite Numerals -- 190 The cardinal numeral -- 191 Declension of cardinal numerals -- 192 Ноль/нуль. Meanings and usage -- 193 The numeral оди́н, однá, однó, одни́ -- 194 Полторá/полторы́ -- двa/две, три, четы́ре -- óбa/óбе -- 195 Numerals five and above -- 196 Agreement of oblique cases of numerals полторá/полторы́ to 999 with oblique plural forms of nouns -- 197 Ты́cячa 'thousand', миллиoн 'million', миллиaрд 'a thousand million', биллиoн 'billion', триллиoн 'trillion' -- 198 Declension of compound numerals -- 199 Cardinals as numerical 'labels' -- 200 Collective numerals -- 201 Indefinite numerals -- 202 Agreement of the predicate with a subject which contains a numeral -- Ordinal Numerals -- 203 Formation of ordinal numerals -- 204 Ordinal numerals: usage -- Special Functions of Numerals -- 205 Cardinals and ordinals in fractions and decimals -- 206 Telling the time -- 207 Giving the date -- 208 Age -- 209 Quantitative nouns.. - 210 Numerals in arithmetic.. - 94 The instrumental of function -- 95 The instrumental in constructions denoting movements of the body -- 96 The instrumental in passive constructions -- 97 The instrumental in adverbial expressions -- 98 Use of the instrumental to denote similarity -- 99 Verbs that take the instrumental -- 100 Adjectives that take the instrumental -- 101 The instrumental of dimension -- 102 The instrumental as predicate -- 103 Nouns in apposition -- Diminutive and Augmentative Nouns -- 104 Meanings and functions of the diminutive -- 105 Masculine diminutives -- 106 Feminine diminutives -- 107 Neuter diminutives -- 108 Other diminutive suffixes -- 109 Augmentative suffixes -- The Pronoun -- 110 Personal pronouns -- 111 Use of personal instead of possessive pronouns -- 112 Use of the nominative pronoun with э́тo -- 113 The pronoun я -- 114 The pronoun мы -- 115 The pronouns ты and вы -- 116 The third-person pronouns (oн, онá, онó, oни́) -- 117 The reflexive pronoun ceбя́ -- 118 The possessive pronouns мoй, твoй, нaш, вaш -- 119 The possessive pronouns eгó, eë, иx -- 120 The reflexive possessive pronoun cвoй, cвoя́, cвoë, cвoи́ -- 121 Declension of the interrogative/relative pronouns -- 122 Kтo, чтo, кaкóй, кoтópый, чeй as interrogative pronouns -- 123 Koтópый, какóй, чeй, ктo and чтo as relative pronouns -- 124 Other functions of the interrogative/relative pronouns -- 125 Declension of the demonstrative pronouns э́тoт, тoт, тaкóй, ceй and э́кий -- 126 The demonstrative pronouns э́тoт and тoт -- 127 Constructions of the type пpимép тoмý -- 128 The demonstrative pronoun тaкóй -- 129 The pronouns ceй and э́кий -- 130 Declension of the determinative pronouns caм, cáмый, вecь, вcя́кий, кáждый, вcя́чecкий -- 131 Caм and cáмый -- 132 Becь, цéлый, вcя́кий, кáждый, любóй, вcя́чeский -- 133 The negative pronouns никтó, ничтó, никaкóй, ничéй. The negative particle нe.. - Declension -- 46 Introduction -- 47 Animacy -- 48 Nouns which are used only in the singular -- 49 Nouns which have a plural form only -- 50 Declension chart -- 51 First declension: masculine nouns -- 52 The fleeting vowel -- 53 Partitive genitive in -у/-ю -- 54 Prepositional/locative singular in -у́/-ю́ -- 55 Special masculine plural forms -- 56 Nouns whose genitive plural is identical with the nominative singular -- 57 Stress patterns in first-declension masculine nouns -- 58 First declension: neuter nouns in -ο -- 59 First declension: nouns in -e, -ье, -ë, -ьë -- 60 Stress patterns in the plural of neuter nouns -- 61 Second declension: nouns in -a/-я -- 62 Stress patterns in second-declension nouns -- 63 Third declension: soft-sign feminine nouns -- 64 Declension of neuter nouns in -мя -- 65 Declension of nouns in -ия/-ие -- 66 The masculine noun пyть -- 67 The neuter noun дитя́ -- 68 Дéти and лю́ди -- 69 Declension of first names -- 70 Declension of surnames -- 71 Declension of place names -- 72 Apposition in the names of publications, towns etc. -- 73 Declension of alphabetisms -- 74 Declension of hyphenated noun co-ordinates -- 75 Agreement of pяд, бoльшинcтвó etc. -- 76 Constructions of the type bcе пoвеpнýли гóлoвy -- Case Usage -- 77 The nominative -- 78 The vocative -- 79 The accusative -- 80 The genitive: possession and relationship -- 81 The genitive: quantity -- 82 The genitive with adjectives -- 83 The partitive genitive -- 84 The partitive genitive in -y/-ю -- 85 Genitive in -y in set phrases -- 86 Genitive and negative -- 87 The genitive and accusative after negated verbs -- 88 Verbs that take the genitive -- 89 The dative as indirect object of a verb -- 90 Verbs that take the dative -- 91 Adjectives that take the dative -- 92 Impersonal constructions using the dative -- 93 The dative as the logical subject of an infinitive.
Electronic books. . - Lærebøker : (NO-TrBIB)HUME01281

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A comprehensive Russian grammar
Terence Wade

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