The Origins of Islamic Law : The Qur'an, the Muwatta' and Madinan Amal

Yasin. Dutton
Bok Engelsk 2013 · Electronic books.
Annen tittel
Hoboken : : Taylor and Francis, , 2013.
1 online resource (280 p.)
Description based upon print version of record.. - Cover; The Origins of lslamic Law: The Qur'an, the Muwatta' and Madinan 'Amal; Copyright; Contents; Acknowledgements; Conventions; lntroduction; A note on sources; A further note; PART ONE: The Madinan Background; CHAPTER ONE: Mālik and Madina; His family; Mālik's early life; His teachers; Mālik's reliance on Madinan sources; The importance of Madina; Mālik as teacher and scholar; Mālik the scholar of hadīth; CHAPTER TWO: The Muwatta'; The different transmissions (riwāyāt) of the text; The authenticity of the text; The arrangement of the text; The reason for its compilation. - 1. The meaning of the word qar'2. The inheritance of a grandfather; 3. 'Amd versus khata' in cases of homicide; 4. The indemnity ('aql) for molars; 5. īlā'; 6. 'Irrevocable' divorce (al-batta); 7. Triple divorce in tamlīk; 8. The rights due to a mabtūta divorcee; 9. Zakāt on horses; l0. The prohibition against ribā; 11. The 'idda of umm walads; 12. The penalty for qadhf; PART THREE: lmplications; CHAPTER EIGHT: Qur'an and Sunna; The Qur'an in Islamic law; The importance of the Qur'an in the Muwatta'; The sunna; The continuity of the sunna; CHAPTER NINE: Sunna versus Hadīth; Conclusions; Notes. - CHAPTER SlX: Techniques of Qur'anic lnterpretation in the Muwatta'The assumption of inclusion ('umūm) and literal meaning (Zāhir); The assumption that commands indicate obligation; Exceptions to the 'umūm (takhsīs al-'umūm); Paired chapters; Ihsār; Qur'an by Qur'an: the assumption of 'one word, one meaning'; Deduction from juxtaposition; Haml al-mutlaq 'alā l-muqayyad; Exceptions to Qur'an by Qur'an; Kalāla; Implication (al-mafhhūm); Mafhūm al-muwāfaqa; Mafhūm al-mukhālafa; CHAPTER SEVEN: Chronological Considerations; Naskh; Asbāb al-nuzūl; The Umayyad contribution. - GlossaryBiographical Notes; Bibliography and Bibliographical Abbreviations; Arabic; European; lndexes; Index of Legal Precepts; Index of Legal Principles; Index of Persons. - Other works by MālikCHAPTER THREE: The 'Amal of the People of Madina; Mālik's madhhab; The nature of Madinan 'amal; The authority of Madinan 'amal; 'Amal versus hadīth; PART TWO: Mālik's Use of the Qur'an in the Muwatta'; CHAPTER FOUR: Textual Considerations; MāIik and the reading of Madina; Mālik and the shādhdh variant readings; CHAPTER FIVE: The Qur'an as a Source of Judgements in the Muwatta'; Qur'anic reference in the Muwatta'; The problems of Qur'anic interpretation; Zihār; The inheritance due to children; Tadbīr versus debts. - If the Qur'an is the first written formulation of Islam in general, Malik's Muwatta' is arguably the first written formulation of the Islam-in-practice that becomes Islamic law. This book considers the methods used by Malik in the Muwatta' to derive the judgements of the law from the Qur'an and is thus concerned on one level with the finer details of Qur'anic interpretation. However, since any discussion of the Qur'an in this context must also include considerations of the other main source of Islamic law, namely the sunna, or normative practice, of the Prophet, this

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