Saturation : an elemental politics /

edited by Melody Jue and Rafico Ruiz.
Bok Engelsk 2021
pages cm
The color of saturated seas / Stefan Helmreich -- Hydromedia : from water literacy to the ethics of saturation / Joanna Zylinska -- Fossil fuels, fossil waters : aquifers, pipelines, and indigenous water rights / Avery Slater -- Sonic saturation and militarized subjectivity in Cold War submarine films / John Shiga -- Wireless saturation / Rahul Mukherjee -- Saturation as a logic of enclosure? / Max Ritts -- Becoming undetectable in the Chthulucene / Bishnupriya Ghosh -- The media of seaweeds : between kelp forest and archive / Melody Jue -- Drought conditions : desalination and deep climate change in Southern California / Rafico Ruiz -- Precipitates of the deep sea : seismic surveys and sonic saturation / Lisa Han -- Media saturation and southern agencies / Bhaskar Sarkar -- Oil barrels : the aesthetics of saturation and the blockage of politics / Marija Cetinić and Jeff Diamanti -- The data center industrial complex / Mél Hogan -- Afterword: Climate change as "matter out of phase" / Janet Walker.. - "Saturation shows how underwater points of view have much to teach us about the nature of objectivity, teaching us to look for the ways that a terrestrial bias appears in the ways we speak about and orient to the world. The volume takes the ocean as a vital starting place from which to develop a method of milieu-specific analysis, calling attention to the differences between perceptual environments and how we think within and through them as embodied observers. Through discussions of science fiction literature and visual media, Saturation shows that attending to the ocean is just the beginning of developing a broader sensitivity to the role of milieu in the fields of media studies, literary studies, science and technology studies, and the environmental humanities. The ocean is not only a medium; the ocean is a vital milieu from which to reconsider what we have taken for granted about the nature of mediation, objectivity, and metaphor. By developing a method of oceanic displacement-and submerging media concepts in the ocean-this book is a science fictional exercise in speculation, exploring how we might think outside of our terrestrial habits by seeing things through the opacity of seawater"--
9781478009740. - 9781478011460

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