Sacred songs and Spirituals

Jessye Norman
Bok Engelsk 2005

[S.l.] : Philips , 2005
2 kompaktplater (53, 44 min)
Tittel tatt fra omslaget. - Innhold: CD 1: Sanctus / Gounod. Ave Maria / Schubert. Panis angelicus / Franck. O divine redeemer / Gounod / The Holy city / Adams. Amazing graze / anon. Greensleeves / anon. Let us break bread together / anon. I wonder as I wander / anon. Swee little Jesus boy / MacGimsey. Gesù bambino / Yon. - Cd 2: I could'nt hear nobody pray ; My Lord, what a morning ; Do Lawd, oh do Lawd ; There's a man going round ; Ev'ry time I feel de spirit ; There is a balm in Gilead ; Gospel train

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Sacred songs and Spirituals
Jessye Norman

Musikk på CD · Engelsk · 2005

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