Complex trauma disorders - Understanding and treatment : A clinical trial of stabilizing group treatment for patients with PTSD and Dissociative disorders

Harald Bækkelund
Bok Norsk 2021

Oslo : University of Oslo. Faculty of Social Sciences , 2021
120 s.
Doktorgradsavhandling Personer som har vært utsatt for overgrep og omsorgssvikt i barndommen opplever ofte flere typer traumer og nye traumatiske hendelser senere i livet. Erfaringene gjør dem sårbare for å utvikle alvorlige psykiske helseplager, ofte omtalt som kompleks traumatisering eller komplekse traumelidelser. – Det er fortsatt mye vi ikke vet om hvordan vi skal forstå kompleks traumatisering, og hvordan helsevesenet best kan behandle de psykiske helseplagene, sier Bækkelund. I sitt doktorgradsarbeid har han derfor satt lupen på behandlingseffekt av stabiliseringsgrupper for disse personene. Victims of childhood trauma and abuse predominantly experience many forms of trauma and multiple traumatic incidents throughout the life-span often termed complex trauma. Victims of complex trauma are at risk of developing a range of mental health difficulties, including posttraumatic stress symptoms, interpersonal difficulties, problems with emotional regulation, and dissociative reactions. However, our understanding of these aforementioned mental health difficulties and how best to treat them is unclear and debated. Thus, this thesis has three main aims; 1) Broaden our understanding of trauma-related difficulties by testing a new theoretical model of dissociation, 2) Investigate the efficacy of stabilizing group treatment for patients with PTSD related to childhood abuse, and 3) Investigate the efficacy of stabilizing group treatment for patients with dissociative disorders.

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