Prominent murder victims of the pre- and early Islamic periods including the names of murdered poets

by Muḥammad Ibn Ḥabīb (d. AH 245/AD 860) ; introduced, edited, translated from the Arabic, and annotated by Geert Jan van Gelder
Bok Engelsk 2021 Muḥammad ibn Ḥabīb,· Biografier
Flere språk: Arabisk
388 sider
"Muḥammad ibn Ḥabīb (d. 860), a specialist in Arab history, tribal genealogy, and poetry, who lived in Baghdad, collected in his Prominent Murder Victims many accounts of murderers and murder victims from the legendary pre-Islamic past, such as how Bilqīs, the Arabic name for the Queen of Sheba, came to power, to the murders ordered by viziers or caliphs in the early Islamic centuries. A lengthy appendix deals with poets from pre- and early Islamic times who were killed. The stories are entertaining as well as informative. Strikingly, the author refrains from explicit moralising. The present book offers a richly annotated English translation together with an improved Arabic text and indexes of persons, places, and rhymes"--
Biografier : (NO-TrBIB)HUME01057
Geografisk emneord
Islamic Empire . - Midtøsten : (NO-TrBIB)HUME03755

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