The discovery of a great and wicked conspiracy against this kingdom in generall, and the City of London in particular. : Being a letter sent from the Hague in Holland, and directed to Secretary Nicholas, but intercepted by the way, and read in both Houses of Parliament on Saterday the 26 of November, 1642. Also, what great preparations of money, men, and arms, there is now made in Holland, France, and Denmark, to assist the Kings Majesty in England. With the manner how the said letter was intercepted and taken. Whereunto is added, an order by the Lord Major, for the raising of 30000 l. in the City of London.
Bok Engelsk 1642 · Kilder
Medvirkende | |
Utgitt | London : printed for Ed. Blackmore , 1642
Omfang | [8] s.
Opplysninger | Sir Isaac Penington var Lord Mayor of London fra 1642 til 1643. - Trykket 28. november 1642
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