Eben-ezer. A full and exact relation of the severall remarkable and victorious proceedings of the ever-renowned Colonell Massy, governour of Gloucester, from May 7. to May 25. 1644. : In which time he tooke these severall considerable garrisons of the enemies in Gloucestershire and Wiltshire, namely, Wesbury, little Deane, Newnam, Beverston-castle, Malmsbury and Chippanham. With the summons sent by Col. Massie to Col. Howard (sonne to the Earl of Berkshire) Govenour of Malmsbury; and his answer thereunto. And the names of the officers and commanders taken there. As also, the votes of the House of Commons on Friday last, concerning the supplies to be sent to Col. Massie, and a thousand pounds per annum to be given to him and his heirs for ever, out of the estates of papists and delinquents; as a reward for the many acceptable services performed by him. Iune 4. 1644. Imprimatur, John White.
Bok Engelsk 1644 · Kilder
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Utgitt | London : Printed for T. W. and are to be sold in the Old-baily , 1644
Omfang | [2], 14 s.
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