Introductory lectures on equivariant cohomology

Loring W. Tu., with appendices by Loring W. Tu and Alberto Arabia
Bok Engelsk 2020
XX, 315 sider : illustrasjoner
Homotopy groups and CW complexes -- Principal bundles -- Homotopy quotients and equivariant cohomology -- Universal bundles and classifying spaces -- Spectral sequences -- Equivariant cohomology of S² under rotation -- A universal bundle for a compact lie group -- General properties of equivariant cohomology -- The lie derivative and interior multiplication -- Fundamental vector fields -- Basic forms -- Integration on a compact connected lie group -- Vector-valued forms -- The Maurer-Cartan form -- Connections on a principal bundle -- Curvature on a principal bundle -- Differential graded algebras -- The Weil algebra and the weil model -- Circle actions -- The cartan model in general -- Outline of a proof of the equivariant de Rham theorem -- Localization in algebra -- Free and locally free actions -- The topology of a group action -- Borel localization for a circle action -- A crash course in representation theory -- Integration of equivariant forms -- Rationale for a localization formula -- Localization formulas -- Proof of the localization formula for a circle action -- Some applications.
9780691191744. - 9780691191751

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