Learning C# programming with Unity 3D
Alex Okita Alex Okita.
Bok Engelsk 2020
Omfang | xvii, 671 pages : illustrations
Utgave | Second edition.
Opplysninger | Includes index.. - What this book is about -- Before you begin -- First steps : Just getting started -- The building blocks of code -- Fundamentals : building a foundation -- Intermediate : The tricks of the trade -- Advanced -- What we'll be covering in this chapter -- Stuff we couldn't cover -- Good luck.. - "For the novice game programmer with no experience with any programming languages. Covers how C# is used to make a game in Unity3D. Interactive examples give C# code meaning. As more complex aspects of C# are explained the interactivity of example games gains depth. Common programming tasks are taught by way of making a game. Thereader will understand how to read and apply C# in Unity3D and apply that knowledge to other development environments that use C#. New to this edition: includes latest C# functionality and feratures; new tips and tricks oo tuples, pattern matching, out variables, local functions, binary laterals, digit separators, null propagator reduces, etc. Key Features Provides a starting point for the first time programmer Examples enable the reader to eventually write a game using Unity 3D Learn to read and understand documentation and the Unity 3D API"--
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ISBN | 9781138336810