Novena for Migrants to Our Lady of Guada.

Joe S. Vàsquez
Bok Engelsk 2020 · Electronic books.
1 online resource (15 pages)
Intro -- 000000_EPUB.. - In Novena for Migrants to Our Lady of Guadalupe Bishop Joe S. Vásquez of the diocese of Austin reminds us that Catholics are called to recognize the inherent dignity of all persons, especially those who most need our help such as migrants, immigrants and refugees. We are called to better understand them, their reasons for migration, and the dangers they face. We are called to carefully consider how we treat migrants who live in our communities, who attend our parishes, and who frequent our local establishments. For over 500 years, migrants and other vulnerable people have prayed to Our Lady of Guadalupe, the patroness of the Americas, for her protection while traveling. In this novena, Bishop Vásquez leads you in nine days of prayers in solidarity with those seeking her protection.

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