Understanding motivation and emotion

Johnmarshall Reeve
Bok Engelsk 2018
Hoboken, New Jersey : John Wiley , [2018]
XIX, 540 sider : figurer
Seventh edition
1st ed.: Fort Worth, Tex. : Harcourt Brace, 1991.. - 6th ed. : 2015.. - The past ten years have seen an explosion of useful research surrounding human motivation and emotion; new insights allow researchers to answer the perennial questions, including "What do people want?" and "Why do they want what they want?" By delving into the roots of motivation, the emotional processes at work, and the impacts on learning, performance, and well-being, the seventh edition of Understanding Motivation and Emotion provides a toolbox of practical interventions and approaches for use in a wide variety of settings. New to this edition: A deeper understanding of motivation and emotion based on the latest research enables greater clarity and organization of ideas.New coverage includes Expectancy × Value theories, mindfulness, terror management theory, intrinsic vs extrinsic goals, psychological-need frustration, leadership motivation, failure, and more.Each chapter addresses a specific concern, and includes recommended reading on the chapter's central theme.

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Understanding motivation and emotion
Johnmarshall Reeve

Bok · Engelsk · 2005
Understanding motivation and emotion
Johnmarshall. Reeve
Johnmarshall Reeve

Bok · Engelsk · 2009
Understanding motivation and emotion
Johnmarshall Reeve

Daisy lydbok · Engelsk · 2018

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Understanding motivation and emotion
Johnmarshall Reeve

Bok · Engelsk · 2018

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