The Lord of the rings : the return of the king : the complete recordings

music composed, orchestrated and conducted by Howard Shore
Musikk på CD Engelsk 2007 · Filmmusikk
Enya ( utøv. )
New York : Reprise Records , 2007
digital + 4 CD + 1 DVD-audio + 1 teksthefte (45 s.)
Inneholder det komplette soundtrack'et til film nr. 3 i The Lord of the rings (Ringenes Herre) trilogien: The return of the king (Atter en konge). - Opplysninger om innspillingen finnes i tekstheftet. - Innhold: CD 1: Roots and beginnings ; Journey to the cross-roads ; The road to Isengard ; The foot of Orthanc ; Return to Edoras ; The chalice passed ; The green dragon (feat. Billy Boyd and Dominic Monaghan) ; Gollum's villainy ; Éowyn's dream ; The Palantir ; Flight from Edoras ; The grace of Undómíel (feat. Renée Fleming) ; The eyes of the white tower ; A coronal of silver and gold ; The lightning of the beacons. CD 2: Osgiliath invaded (feat. Ben Del Maestro) ; The stairs of Cirith Ungol ; Alleigiance to Denethor ; The sacrifice of Faramir (feat. Billy Boyd performing "The edge of night") ; The parting of Sam and Frodo ; Marshalling at Dunharrow ; Andúril - flame of the west ; The passing of the grey company ; Dwimorberg - the haunted mountain ; Master Meriadoc, swordthain ; The paths of the dead ; The siege of Gondor ; Shelob's lair ; Merry's simple courage. CD 3: Grond - the hammer of the underworld ; Shelob the great ; The tomb of the stewards ; The battle of Pelennor fields ; The pyre of Denethor ; The mûmakil ; Dernhelm in battle ; "A far green country" ; Shieldmaiden of Rohan ; The passing of Théoden ; The houses of healing (feat. Liv Tyler) ; The tower of Cirith Ungol ; The last debate (feat. Sissel performing "Asëa aranion") ; The land of shadow ; The mouth of Sauron (feat. Sir James Galway) ; "For Frodo" (feat. Ben Del Maestro). CD 4: Mount doom (feat. Renée Fleming) ; The crack of doom ; The eagles (feat. Renée Fleming) ; The fellowship reunited (feat. Sir James Galway, Viggo Mortensen and Renée Fleming) ; The journey to the Grey Havens (feat. Sir James Galway) ; Elanor (feat. Sir James Galway) ; Days of the ring (feat. Annie Lenox performing "Into the west") ; Bilbo's song. DVD-audio: musikken på de 3 cd'ene med forbedret lydkvalitet (48k Hz, 24 bit). - Enya ; div. andre musikere
Klassisk - Musikk
781.5 . - 781.542 . - 784.2 . - C . - cd 5638

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