Survival through poetry : poems about love, anxiety & heartbreak

by Joya Marie Anselma Mekke
Bok Engelsk 2019 · Dikt
Utvik : Joya M.A. Mekke , 2019
92 s.
Baksidetekst: You are about to enter a book full of poems of the years that have past so far. But be carefal though, this book contains both positive, but also darker poems. After struggling with depression, self-hatred and suicide thoughts, Joya is finally trying to put that chapter behind her. She takes you through the different stages of her thoughts. By publishing the poems that she wrote during that time, she is sharing her story and feelings to help you realize that you are not alone. - This book is a poem collection written by Joya M.A. Mekke (1998). Although born in The Netherlands, she now lives in Sogn og Fjordane in Norway. While struggeling with different feelings she started writing poems to get her thoughts out. It helped her through some tough times and cope with difficult situations. This is the first time she has published a book.

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