Mind your head

Juno Dawson · Juno Dawson with advice from Dr Olivia Hewitt ; illustrated by Gemma Correll
Bok Engelsk 2016
Correll, Gemma (illustratør)
Hewitt, Olivia (medforf.)
London : Hot Key Books , 2016
208 s. : ill.
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Have you noticed how it's easier to talk about some medical problems than other? Perhaps the hardest of all to talk about are mental illnesses - but we've all got a mind, so we've all got mental health. Can any of us say we haven't been stressed, sad, anxious, angry, tired and emotional? In this clear and supportive guide to young people's mental health, Juno Dawson, author of This Book is Gay, and clinical psychologist Dr Olivia Hewitt discuss a range of issues - whether fleeting of long-term - and how to manage them. With witty illustrations from Gemma Correll, Juno and Dr Olivia cover topics from anxiety and depression to addiction, self-harm and personality disorders, with dozens of life stories from people just like you, who are living with mental illness.. - Alder: Ungdom fra 13 år

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