Migrant health : a primary care perspective

edited by Bernadette N. Kumar and Esperanza Diaz.
Bok Engelsk 2019 Esperanza Diaz Bernadette N Kumar
Taylor and Francis , 2019
XXX,305 sider
Migration and immigrants / BN Kumar & E Diaz -- Migration health theories : healthy migrant effect and allostatic load. Can both be true? / BN Kumar & E Diaz -- Culture, language and the clinic - three stories, two keys / I Heath & E Schei -- The ethics of migrant health : power and privilege versus rights and entitlements / G Oms, R Hammonds & I Keygnaert -- Discrimination and health / J H Magnus -- Immigrants' use of primary health care services : overuse, underuse or both? / E Diaz & BN Kumar -- A life course perspective on migrant health / Y ben Shlomo, L Mamluk & S Redwood -- Promoting the health of migrant children and children of immigrants / K M Perreira & L T Fadnes -- Adolescent migrant health / M Catallozzi, C A Kolff, R Fowler & T McGovern -- Health care for older and elderly immigrants / C O'Donnell -- Family and group as a unit of care / B Kiely &B Viken -- Health challenges at the clinic / M van den Muijsenbergh -- Gynaecology and obstetrics / B Austveg, K A Møen -- Chronic disease prevention and management : an understated priority / N Nitti -- Understanding unexplained and complex symptoms and diseases / M Sodemann -- Cancer among immigrant patients / K Albrecht & S De Maesschalck -- Immigration and mental health / R Farrington -- Multimorbidity - the complexity / A Calderón & L Gimeno -- Opportunities and tools when meeting immigrant patients / C Phillips & J Benson -- Bridging cultural and language discordance / E Diaz & BN Kumar -- Evidence based guidelines and advocacy / K Pottie -- Diversity sensitive versus adapted services for immigrants : the example of dementia care in Germany / O Razum & H Tezcan-Guentekin -- Assessments tools for dementia an depression in older immigrants / T R Nielsen & M Nørredam -- Community participation in primary healthcare : meaningful involvement of immigrants / A MacFarlane & C Lionis.
1138498041. - 9781138498044

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