Excavations at Cill Donnain : A Bronze Age Settlement and Iron Age Wheelhouse in South Uist

Mike. Parker Pearson
Bok Engelsk 2014 · Electronic books.
Annen tittel
Havertown : : Oxbow Books, , 2014.
1 online resource (248 p.)
Description based upon print version of record.. - Cover; Title Page; Copyright Page; Contents; List of Figures; List of Tables; Acknowledgements; Contributors; Preface; Chapter 1: Introduction; The geology and soils; The SEARCH project; The site setting; Conclusion; Chapter 2: The excavations; Introduction; The 1989 excavations; The 1990 excavations; The 1991 excavations; The stratigraphic sequence; The 1992 reconstruction project; The 2003 evaluation of the Cordoned Urn settlement; Postexcavationanalysis of records and finds from the 1989-1991 excavations; Student reminiscences. - Abandonment of the wheelhouse (phase 7)The small, stonewalledstructure and reuseof the wheelhouse (phase 8); Chapter 8: The midden overlying the wheelhouse(phase 9); Introduction; The earliest midden layers; Upper layers of the midden; The southern excavation trench; The top of the stratigraphic sequence (phase 10); Chapter 9: The pottery; Introduction; The manufacture of the Cill Donnain III pottery; Chronology of and parallels for the Cill Donnain III assemblage; The stratigraphic phases and their ceramic associations; The fragmentation of the pottery assemblage; Conclusion. - Ceramic artefactsChapter 10: The metal finds and industrial debris; The copperalloyartefacts; The lead object; The iron objects; Bronzecastingclay refractories; The crucible; The metalworking slag; Fuel ash slag; Chapter 11: The stone tools; Introduction; The coarse stone tools; The flint tools; The pumice; The slate; Chapter 12: Bone, ivory and antler tools and ornaments; Discussion; Catalogue of the worked bone, ivory and antler; Chapter 13: The faunal remains; Introduction; Excavation methods and fish bone; Laboratory methods; Overview; Preservation; Species representation. - Chapter 3: Early-Middle Bronze Age (phase 1):a Cordoned Urn settlementIntroduction; The extent of the settlement mound - coring in 2003; The 1991 excavations: the northwest trench; Recording of the sand quarry in 2003; Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating; Pottery; Bone and stone tools; The faunal remains; Discussion; Chapter 4: Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age occupation(phase 2): eighth-early sixth centuries BC; Introduction; Windblown sand; Ploughing; Pit 142; Other deposits; Conclusion; Chapter 5: Before construction of the wheelhouse(phase 3); Introduction; The sand layer. - Element representation. - Gully 191Possible hearths; Other deposits; The human skull fragment; Chapter 6: Construction and initial use ofthe wheelhouse (phases 4 and 5); Introduction; The construction of the wheelhouse (phase 4); The hearth; Cut features within the house; The house floor (phase 5); Accumulation of deposits outside the wall of the wheelhouse (phase 5); The stone structure in the southern trench; Chapter 7: Modification and abandonment of thewheelhouse (phases 6-8); Introduction; Modifications to the wheelhouse interior (phase 6); Accumulation of deposits outside the wall of the wheelhouse (phase 6). - The SEARCH (Sheffield Environmental and Archaeological Research Campaign in the Hebrides) project began in 1987 and covers the Scotland's Outer Hebrides. The aim of the project is to investigate how human societies adapted in the long-term to the isolated environment of the Outer Hebrides. The first major excavation on South Uist discovered that what was thought to be a shell midden at Cill Donnain was in fact a wheelhouse, a type of dwelling used in the period c.300 BC - AD 500; under which lay the remains of a Bronze Age settlement. This settlement was partly investigated by Marik Zvelebil i
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