The secret commonwealth

Philip Pullman · illustrated by Christopher Wormell
Bok Engelsk 2019 · Fantasy fiction
Wormell, Christopher (illustratør)
London Oxford : Penguin : David Fickling Books , 2019
784 sider : illustrasjoner
Passer for
The second volume of Philip Pullman's The book of dust sees Lyra, now twenty years old, and her daemon Pantalaimon, forced to navigate their relationship in a way they could never have imagined, and drawn into the complex and dangerous factions of a world that they had no idea existed. Pulled along on his own journey too is Malcolm; once a boy with a boat and a mission to save a baby from the flood, now a man with a strong sense of duty and a desire to do what is right. Theirs is a world at once familiar and extraordinary, and they must travel far beyond the edges of Oxford, across Europe and into Asia, in search for what is lost - a city haunted by daemons, a secret at the heart of a desert, and the mystery of the elusive dust.. - Passer for 12-16 år
Belacqua, Lyra , (Fictitious character)
Parry, Will , (Fictitious character)
Belacqua, Lyra(fiktiv person)
Lyra Belacqua(fiktiv person)

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The secret commonwealth
Philip Pullman ; illustrated by Chris Wor...

Bok · Engelsk · 2020

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