Course in general linguistics

Ferdinand de Saussure ; Translated and annotated by Roy Harris ; With a new introduction by Roy Harris.
Bok Engelsk 2013 · Electronic books.
Harris, Roy, (translator.)
Duckworth , 2013.
1 online resource (329 p.)
First edition.
Passer for
Translation of Cours de linguistique générale.. - Intro; Title Page; Copyright Page; Contents; Introduction to the Bloomsbury Revelations Edition; Preface to the First Edition; Preface to the Second Edition; Preface to the Third Edition; Introduction; References; Introduction; Chapter 1 A brief Survey of the History of Linguistics; Chapter 2 Data and Aims of Linguistics: Connexions with Related Sciences; Chapter 3 The Object of Study; Â1â#x80;#x82;On defining a language; Â2â#x80;#x82; Linguistic structure: Its place among the facts of language; Â3â#x80;#x82; Languages and their place in human affairs -- . Semiology. - Appendix Principles of Physiological PhoneticsChapter 1 Sound Types; Â1â#x80;#x82;On defining speech sounds; Â2â#x80;#x82; The vocal apparatus and how it works2; Â3â#x80;#x82; Classification of sounds by oral articulation; Chapter 2 Sounds in Spoken Sequences; Â1â#x80;#x82; Necessity of studying sounds in spoken sequences; Â2â#x80;#x82;Adduction and abduction; Â3â#x80;#x82; Combinations of adduction and abduction in the spoken sequence; Â4â#x80;#x82; Syllabic boundaries and vocalic peaks; Â5â#x80;#x82; Criticism of theories of syllabification; Â6â#x80;#x82; Duration of adduction and abduction. - Â4 Difference between the two orders illustrated by comparisonsÂ5 Synchronic and diachronic linguistics: Their methods and principles contrasted; Â6 Synchronic laws and diachronic laws; Â7 Is there a panchronic point of view?; Â8 Consequences of the confusion of synchrony with diachrony; Â9 Conclusions; Part Two Synchronic Linguistics; Chapter 1 General Observations; Chapter 2 Concrete Entities of a Language; Â1â#x80;#x82;Entities and units -- . Definitions; Â2â#x80;#x82;Method of delimitation; Â3â#x80;#x82; Practical difficulties of delimitation; Â4â#x80;#x82;Conclusion; Chapter 3 Identities, Realities, Values. - Â7â#x80;#x82; Sounds of aperture -- 4. Diphthongs -- . Questions of spellingPart One General Principles; Chapter 1 Nature of the Linguistic Sign; Â1 Sign, signification, signal; Â2 First principle: The sign is arbitrary; Â3 Second principle: Linear character of the signal; Chapter 2 Invariability and Variability of the Sign; Â1 Invariability; Â2 Variability; Chapter 3 Static Linguistics and Evolutionary Linguistics; Â1 Internal duality of all sciences concerned with values; Â2 Internal duality and the history of linguistics; Â3 Examples of internal duality. - Chapter 4 Linguistics of Language Structure and Linguistics of SpeechChapter 5 Internal and External Elements of a Language; Chapter 6 Representation of a Language by Writing; Â1â#x80;#x82; Why it is necessary to study this topic; Â2â#x80;#x82; The prestige of writing: Reasons for its ascendancy over the spoken word; Â3â#x80;#x82;Systems of writing; Â4 Causes of inconsistency between spelling and pronunciation; Â5â#x80;#x82; Consequences of this inconsistency; Chapter 7 Physiological Phonetics; Â1â#x80;#x82;Definition of the subject; Â2â#x80;#x82;Transcription; Â3â#x80;#x82;Writing as evidence. - "An influence on a wide-range of thinkers from Derrida and Lacan to Chomsky, Saussure's major work is now available in the Bloomsbury Revelations series"--. - info:sid/

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Course in general linguistics
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