The pirate world : a history of the most notorious sea robbers

Angus Konstam
Bok Bokmål 2019
London : Bloomsbury Publishing , 2019
336 s.
Often romanticised in print and on the silver screen, real-life pirates were a brutal menace that plagued the high seas. In this book, Angus Konstam separates myth from reality, tracing the history of piracy through the centuries, from the pirates who plagued the Ancient Egyptians to the Viking raids and on to the era of privateers. He discusses the so-called 'Golden Age of Piracy' and colourful characters such as Blackbeard and Captain Kidd, before examining the West's initial encounters with Eastern pirates off the Chinese coast and the phenomenon of the modern pirate.
9781472830975(ib.) : Nkr 310.00

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