Estonian music now 2011; Exploratory music from Estonia; Compiled by Miguel Santos & Red Orange Arts Agency

Musikk på CD Uten språklig innhold 2011
Wire , 2011
1 CD + bilag
Utgivernummer: EECD001. - 12.12.2006. (Taavo Remmel). - Civitas soli. (UMA). - Sissejuhatus sissejuhatasse; Introduction to introduction. (Wochtzchée). - 121108. (LokaalRaadio). - Aigut; Yawny. (Kago). - Aia löpp; The end of garden (excerpt). (Erkki Luuk/Raul Keller). - Pakane; Frost. (Tuule Kann/Jaak Sooäär). - Fragment il nuga, 17.12.08. (Rainer Jancis). - Tenniselegu. (ASK). - Insert name. (Deyal). - Linnulaat; Bird market. (Weekend Guitar Trio). - Siili silma. (Celia Roose/Tuule Kann/Robert Jürjendal/Arvo Urb). - Irratsionaaine. (Kreatiivmootor).. - Inneholder også: There is a time for autumn, for six percussionists (excerpt). (G.Grigorjeva). - Choreographic scene (excerpt). (P.Vähi).

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