fROOTS presents FAF tracks

Musikk på CD Engelsk 2010
Folk Roots , 2010
1 CD + bilag
Utgivernummer: FROOTSFAF 001. - The swastika song. (Martin Simpson). - Dance, idiot, dance. (Chumbawamba). - Young Johnson. (Jackie Oates & Mike Cosgrave). - Girl with the swan's head. (Inge Thomson). - The origin of the world. (Blowzabella). - Joy to the person of my love. (Alasdair Roberts & friends). - The banks of the Bann. (Lisa Knapp & Gerry Diver). - Under a stone. (Coope, Boyes & Simpson). - Ape Fetlar Top. (Fiddlers' Bid). - Spitfires. (Chris Wood). - Hares on the mountain. (Jonny Kearney & Lucy Farrell). - Valse du peril/ Marche du Mont Saint-Louis. (Duck Soup). - Keep them bairns away. (Jez Lowe & the Bad Pennies). - Little yellow roses. (Fay Hield). - Steps. (Brian Finnegan).

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