Green bermudas; Ellery Eskelin with Andrea Parkins

Ellery Eskelin
Musikk på CD Engelsk 1996
Northampton, MA : Eremite , 1996?
På 1 CD (58 min) + bilag
Innspilt i New York 11.juni 1996.. - Utgivernummer: MTE02. - More or less the truth. - Mary Jan'e dilemma. - The cocktail hour. - With bells and drums. - Yummy love. - Sleight of hand. - Behind the curtain. - Green bermudas. - Scratch. - Untitled two. - This warm secret dial. (Alle av E.Eskelin). - Flamingo. (T.Grouya).. - Eskelin, Ellery, tenorsax. - Eskelin, Ross, sang. - Parkins, Andrea, sampler

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