The politically incorrect guide to climate change

Marc Morano
Bok Engelsk 2018
Annen tittel
Washington : Regnery , 2018
XVII, 413 sider : illustrasjoner
11. What's in a name? How "global warming" became "climate change" (Unfalsifiable ; Emergency! The government must fix the weather ; All the world's ills) -- 12. Not so extreme (Normal variation ; Tropical cyclones and hurricanes ; Tornadoes ; Drought ; Floods and heavy rains ; Wildfires ; Ocean acidification) -- 13. The ever-receding tipping point (Deadlines come and go ; The last chance ; "Serially doomed") -- 14. Controlling climate ... or you? (Spreading the wealth, governing the globe ; Dictator envy ; Voluntary poverty ; The carbon tax ; Just turn down the heat ) -- 15. Climbing onto the climate change gravy train (Deep pockets ; Making out like a bandit ; They get more money: even from gas producers ; Cut them off) -- 16. Hypocrisy on parade (High fliers ; Noble savages ; More Hollywood hypocrites) -- 17. Child propoganda (Frightening the children: and using them ; Children versus the climate) -- 18. Bypassing democracy to impose green energy mandates (Chinafication ; No impact ; Not winning over the public) -- 19. Green colonialism (We've got ours ; Fossil fuels: a power for good ; Keep the black man down ; Irreplaceable ; [Carbon dioxide] the healthy addiction) -- 20. The way forward (Dismantling a disastrous legacy ; Sound policy ; The fight goes on). - Foreword / John Coleman -- 1. The education of a climate denier -- 2. Climate change déjà vu (Two centuries of climate scares ; The inconvenient global cooling scare of the 1970s ; The big switch) -- 3. "Pulled from thin air": the 97 percent 'consensus' (Fooling even the scientists ; Whole dozens of scientists! ; Dubious evidence for a ubiquitous number ; The fake science is not fooling the public) -- 4. The tail does not wag the dog (The origins of the global warming scare ; Human beings don't breathe out poison ; What really causes climate change ; The positive benefits of [carbon dioxide] ; If anything, it's the other way around) -- 5. The ice caps are melting! (The Antarctic ; Greenland and the Arctic ; Sea level ; The polar bears) -- 6. The hottest temperatures in a thousand years! Michael Mann's hockey schtick (Hiding the medieval warm period ; The hockey stick breaks under scrutiny ; Replicating error ; Dissension in the ranks) -- 7. A long cool pause (Satellites over surface ; The pause that refreshes ; The world is not burning) -- 8. Models do not equal evidence (Predictions are suddenly "evidence", models are now "data" ; Sub-standard software ; In violation of basic principles) -- 9. The eroding 'consensus' (Goaded into taking a stand ; Re-evaluating the evidence ; More skeptics on the left ; From true believers to heretics) -- 10. Climategate: the UN IPCC exposed (Breaking ranks ; Circling the wagons ; Thoroughly discredited ; Insiders speak out). - Less freedom. More regulation. Higher costs. Make no mistake: those are the surefire consequences of the modern global warming campaign waged by political and cultural elites, who have long ago abandoned fact-based science for dramatic fearmongering in order to push increased central planning. The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change gives a voice-backed by statistics, real-life stories, and incontrovertible evidence-to the millions of "deplorable" Americans skeptical about the multibillion dollar "climate change" complex, whose claims have time and time again been proven wrong.--

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