Ballads of the book : a joint effort

Musikk på CD Engelsk 2007 · pop

Glasgow : Chemical Underground ; CHEM098CD , 2007
1 CD + 1 teksthefte
Tekster og opplysninger om utøverne i heftet. - Innhold: Song for Irena (Mike Heron). Steam comes off our house (De Rosa). A Calvinist narrowly avoids pleasure (James Yorkston). Dreamcatcher (Foxface). A sentimental song (Lord Cut-Glass). The sixth stone (Aidan Moffat and The Best-Ofs). Girl ( Norman Blake). The good years (Karine Polwart). The war on love (Sons and Daughters). The leaving (Alasdair roberts). Message in a bottle (Strike the Colours). If you love me you'd destroy me (Aereogramme). The rebel on his own tonight (Malcolm Middleton). Half an apple (Trashcan Sinatras). The fire (Vashti Bunyan). Where and when? (King Creosote). Jesus on the cross (Emma Pollock). The weight of years (Idlewild).
pop . - rock

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