Mørkets øy : [musikken fra filmen]

Bok 1997 · Grøssarar
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Gundersen, Linda M.A. (redaktør)
[Oslo] : Universal , 1997
1 plate (1 t, 8 min) : digital
Passer for
"Filmscore composed and orchestrated by Søren Hyldgaard." - Tekstbilaget. - City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra (Mario Klemens, dir) ; produsenter: Søren Hyldgaard, Hans Sørensen, Kjell Petter Askersrud, Atle Krogstad, Per Henrik Buntz. - Universal: UMD 86520. - Innhold: Mørkets øy / Kim Ljung, Seigmen (Seigmen). Why is everybody always pickin' on me / Jimmy Pop Ali (Bloodhound Gang). Life in Mono / Martin Virgo, John Barry (Mono). Rescue me / Raynard Miner, W.C. Smith (Fontella Bass). Soulful dress / Maurice McAlister (Sugar Pie Desanto). Big talker / Heather Grody, Leisha Hailey (Murmurs America). Novocaine for the soul / E, Mark Goldenberg (Eels). Planetary sit in / Julian Cope (J. Cope). Dead bird sings / Stephen Jones (Babybird). Six days on the road / Green, Montgomery (The International Tussler Society). Soon and very soon / Andrae Crouch (A. Crouch). Scena & aria casta diva : fra Norma / Vincenzo Bellini (Teresa Stich-Randall). The world revolves around you / Seigmen, Erik Ljunggren (Seigmen). The nightmares ; The tender moments ; The action / Søren Hyldgaard (Isle of Darkness)
Geografisk emneord
839.8238 . - 780 . - 780.904 . - 780.92 . - 780.922 . - 813
82-445-0163-4(ib.). - 82-445-0194-4

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