Mare Nostrum Orient-Occident Dialogues : dialogue des musiques chrétiennes, musulmanes et juives autour de la Méditerranée

Montserrat Figueras · Lior Elmaleh ; Hespèrion XXI ; Jordi Savall
Bok Flerspråklig 2009 · Barokkmusikk
Elmaleh, Lior (utøv.)
Savall, Jordi (utøv.)
[France] : Alia Vox , 2009
454 s. : ill. + 2 cd-er
Innhold cd 1: La Guirnalda de Rosas ; Saltarello ; Kamti Beivshan Layla ; Gagauski ; Berceuse Amazig ; A la una Yo Nací; Üsküdar ; Las Estrellas de los Cielos ; LaMoledet Shuvi Roni ; Taksim et Makam Kurdi Pesrev ; Alef, Mem Shin ; Taksim - Pesendîde "Saz Semârsi" ; ; Noumi Noumi Yaldati ; La Armada Turca.. - Innhold cd 2: En la Santa Helena ; Shaar Petach Dodi ; Taksim Kanun ; Nana Andaluza Duerme Mi Niña ; El Rey Que Tanto Madruga ; Ana Av Rajman ; Cominciamento di gioia ; Berceuse ; El Cant dels Aucells ; Hon Tahon ; Taksim et Makam "Rast Murass'a" ; Adonenu Elohenu ; Introduction and Bulgarian Dance ; Mireu el Nostre Mar.. - Mare Nostrum (Latin for Our Sea ) was a Roman name for the Mediterranean Sea, one of the most important focal points of cultural, political and intellectual growth and exchange and dialogue in the history of humankind. In this lavishly illustrated CD-book, Jordi Savall and the musicians of Hespèrion XXI invite us to explore the facts, myths and legends of the Mediterranean and the sway it has had over many peoples and cultures from Morocco to Israel, from Spain to Lebanon. Also featured on the recording are soprano Montserrat Figueras and Israeli singer Lior Elmaleh, one of the leading representatives of the new generation of performers of Andalusian music.
250 kr

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