Mythical Kings and Iguanas / Reflections in a mud puddle

Dory Previn
Musikk på CD Engelsk 1997 · Popmusikk
Suffolk : BGO Records , 1997
1 CD : digital, stereo
Første gang utgitt 1971. - Innhold: Mythical kings and iguanas ; Yada yada la scala ; Lady with the braid ; Her mother's daughter ; Angels and devils the following day ; Mary C. Brown and the Hollywood sign ; Lemon haired ladies ; Stone for Bessie Smith ; The game ; Going home (Mythical kings and iguanas) ; Doppelgänger ; The new enzyme detergent demise of Ali MacGraw ; The talkative woman and the two star general ; The Altruist and the needy case ; Play it again, Sam ; The earthquake in Los Angeles (February 1971) ; The final flight of the Hindenburg (May, 1937) ; I dance and dance and smile and smile ("After a deep initial split the tremors can go on indefinitely" L.A. Times) ; Air crash in New Jersey ; Aftershock
179 kr

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