A meal you can shake hands with in the dark : Mantle-Piece

· Pete Brown & his Battered Ornaments ; Battered Ornaments
Musikk på CD Engelsk 2000 · Popmusikk
Brown, Pete (utøv.)
Bury St. Edmunds, England : BGO , 2000
2 kompaktplater : digital, stereo
Først utgitt i 1969. - Innhold: CD 1 A meal you can shake hands with in the dark / Pete Brown & his Battered Ornaments: Dark lady ; The old man ; Station song ; The politician ; Rainy taxi girl ; Morning call ; Sandcastle ; Travelling blues. CD 2 Mantle-Piece / Battered Ornaments: Sunshades ; Late into the night ; Then I must go ; The crosswords and the safety pins ; Staggered ; Twisted track ; Smoke rings ; Take me now ; My love's gone far away. - Innhold: CD 2 Mantle-Piece / Battered Ornaments: Sunshades ; Late into the night ; Then I must go ; The crosswords and the safety pins ; Staggered ; Twisted track ; Smoke rings ; Take me now ; My love's gone far away
179 kr

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