Lille ert : by:Larm 99 Stavanger

Musikk på CD Engelsk 1999 · Popmusikk
Flere språk: Nynorsk, Svensk
Hodne, Jorunn (utøv.)
Keen ( utøv. )
Nordberg, Peter (utøv.)
Paulsen, Anja Kristin (utøv.)
[S.l] : Bylarm , 1999
2 CD-R
Promoutgivelse. - Innhold: Over and over / Not from America. On the outside / Zuma. Time for real / Pop face. Kissing stars / Fab foursome. Blow my top / Colt. Pshycedelic rock / Rub A Dubs. Bridges / Bronco busters. Wild bird / Bigbang. Aviator / Keen. Love's asleep / Hosh. Bad boy / Betty Unblunt. Strange flight / Volunteers. The last time / Electrostar. Withdraw / Blindfolded. Excited / Skanksters. Is it you ? / Lano Places. Nicotine / Pawnshop. Blowjob intermezzo / Cloroform. A. Luv / Tumbleweed. The Mexican rover / Watershed. Hope / Pampas grass. Robin Hood / Jorunn Hodne. A perfectly normal day / Silver seed. Pander to me / Bride of the ghouls. Dansa för mig / Peter Nordberg. Who you want / Chief. Change / The Chairs. Rune / Visepresidentene. Anyone left / Empty Lives. Gamlekjærast / Tønes. Waiting for Ruben / Thunk. Just one drink / Beautiful Destruction. Tres cojones / Wunderkammer. Alone / Anja Paulsen. - Utøvere: Not from America ; Zuma ; Pop face ; Fab foursome ; Colt ; Rub A Dubs ; Bronco busters ; Bigbang ; Keen ; Hosh ; Betty Unblunt ; Volunteers ; Electrostar ; Blindfolded ; Skanksters ; Lano Places ; Pawnshop ; Cloroform ; Tumbleweed ; Watershed ; Pampas grass ; Jorunn Hodne ; Silver seed ; Bride of the ghouls ; Peter Nordberg ; Chief ; The Chairs ; Visepresidentene ; Empty Lives ; Tønes ; Thunk ; Beautiful Destruction ; Wunderkammer ; Anja Paulsen
Geografisk emneord
300 kr

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