Return to the Isle of the lost : a Descendants novel

Melissa De la Cruz
Bok Engelsk 2016 · Fantastisk
Bath : Paper Rocket , 2016
309 s.
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There's no place like home. Especially if home is the infamous Isle of the Lost, home to Mal, Evie, Carlos and Jay - the kids of the most evil villains ever. Having spent their childhoods banished on the Isle, these wicked teens have been enjoying the comforts of the kingdom of Auradon where they were sent to learn how to be good. But when the four friends receive a mysterious invitation to return to the Isle, they can't help feeling drawn to their old ways. Not everything is as they left it though, and when they discover a dark mystery at the heart of the island, they need to combine all of their talents in order to save the kingdom. Will the kids be able to beat the evil bubbling at the Isle's wicked core, or will the plot to destroy Auradon succed?. - Alder: 9-13 år

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