Hotel Salvation

DVD Hindi 2018 · Drama
Tekstet på: Engelsk
<S.l.> : BFI , 2018
1 DVD (95 min) + 1 hefte
Indian comedy directed by Shubhashish Bhutiani and starring Adil Hussain and Lalit Behl. Elderly Daya (Behl) has what he seems to believe is a prophetic dream concerning his death which leads him to seek out the holy city of Varanasi where Hindus believe salvation awaits those who die. To this end he asks that his son Rajiv (Hussain) accompany him there but Rajiv is a busy accountant with a family to keep.Nonetheless, Rajiv decides to take his father to Varanasi and honour his wish to die there, but as father and son arrive and mingle with other visitors to the city Daya seems no closer to death's door.. - Produksjonsår 2016

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