Compendium of creeds, definitions, and declarations on matters of faith and morals /

[originally compiled by] Heinrich Denzinger ; revised, enlarged, and, in collaboration with Helmut Hoping, edited by Peter Hünermann for the original bilingual edition ; and edited by Robert Fastiggi and Anne Englund Nash for the English edition.
Bok Latin 2012 definitionum et declarationum de rebus fidei et morum. Enchiridion symbolorum
Flere språk: Engelsk, Gresk, klassisk
Annen tittel
San Francisco : : Ignatius Press, , c2012.
xxxvii, 1399 p. ;
43rd ed.
Added Latin title page has title: Enchiridion symbolorum definitionum et declarationum de rebus fidei et morum.. - The English translation was prepared from the Editio XLIII, published in German and Latin in 2010 by the Herder Verlag, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany.. - The first edition, edited by Heinrich Denzinger, was published in 1854.. - Professions of faith -- Composite professions -- Tripartate triniarian schema -- Western formulas -- The apostles' creed -- Brief formulas of baptismal creeds in interrogatory form -- Eastern formulas -- Local creeds -- Creeds contained in collections of eastern canons -- Bipartate trinitarian-Christological schema -- Documents of the church's magisterium -- Clement I of Rome -- Zephyrinus -- Cornelius -- Stephen I -- Dionysius -- Marcellinus -- Sylvester I -- First council of Nicaea -- Julius I -- Liberius -- Damasus I -- First council of Constaninople -- Siricius -- Anastasius I -- Innocent I -- Zosimus -- Boniface I -- Celestine I -- Council of Ephesus -- Xystus (Sixtus) III -- Leo the Great -- Council of Chalcedon -- Simplicius -- Felix II -- Gelasius I -- Anastasius II -- Symmachus -- Hormisdas -- Felix III -- Boniface II -- John II -- Vigilius -- Second council of Constaninople -- Pelagius I -- John III -- Pelagius II -- Gregory I, the Great -- Honorius I -- John IV-- Martin I -- Adeodatus II -- Agatho -- Third council of Constantinople -- Leo II -- Benedict II -- Sergius I -- Gregory II -- Gregory III -- Zachary -- Stephen II -- Adrian I -- Second council of Nicaea -- Leo III -- Leo IV -- Nicholas I -- Adrian II -- Fourth council of Constantinople -- John VIII -- Stephen V -- John XV -- Leo IX -- Nicholas II -- Alexander II -- Gregory VII -- Urban II -- Paschal II -- Callistus II -- First Lateran Council -- Innocent II -- Second Lateran Council -- Eugene III -- Alexander III -- Third Lateran Council -- Lucius III -- Urban III -- Innocent III -- Fourt Lateran Council -- Honorius III -- Gregory IX -- Innocent IV -- First Council of Lyon -- Alexander IV -- Urban IV -- Clement IV -- Gregory X -- Second Council of Lyon -- Boniface VIII -- Benedict XI -- Clement V -- Council of Vienne -- John XXII -- Benedict XII -- Clement VI -- Urban V -- Gregory XI -- Council of Constance -- Martin V -- Eugene IV -- Council of Florence -- Callistus III -- Pius III-- Sixtus IV -- Innocent VIII -- Julius II -- Fifth Lateran Council -- Leo X -- Paul III -- Council of Trent -- Julius III -- Pius IV -- Pius V -- Gregory XIII -- Clement VIII -- Paul V -- Urban VII -- Innocent X -- Alexander VII -- Innocent XI .... First Vatican Council ... Second Vatican Council -- Paul VI -- John Paul II -- Benedict XVI.. - "This compendium of theological-historical source texts, in a bilingual edition, is completely revised and extended to the pontificate of Benedict XVI. With its unique wealth of official church documents and sources, it is an essential resource for theological work. Since its first edition in 1854, 'Denzinger' has become a standard work and an indispensable tool for serious theological work. It faithfully reflects the history of the Church's faith and its development over the centuries. Indeed, its reference system has become an established part of citing important theological sources."--Publisher description.
0898707463. - 9780898707465

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