Mastering Chinese through global debate

Dana Scott Bourgerie, Rachel Yu Liu, Lin Qi
Bok Kinesisk 2016 · Lærebøker (Form)
Annen tittel
XIV, 175 sider
Language instructors increasingly recognize the value of debate as a means of facilitating Advanced and Superior level competency. As of now, no single debate textbook exists that provides level-specific, scaffolded language exercises in addition to rhetorical strategies and topic-specific texts for learners of Chinese. The textbook provides a stepwise set of exercises that culminate in a debate with fellow students at home and/or abroad via teleconference technology. Each of six chapters includes a set of pre-reading activities, a text covering the debate topic from both sides of the issue, and post-reading comprehension and lexical development exercises--all of which foster language and critical thinking skills needed for successful debates. A rhetorical methods section in each chapter integrates language and practice and prepares students for end-of-chapter debates. The book is designed to work closely with the ACTFL proficiency guidelines.
Lærebøker (Form) : (NO-TrBIB)HUME01281. - Lærebøker : (NO-TrBIB)HUME01281. - Språkkurs (Form) : (NO-TrBIB)HUME01285. - Språkkurs : (NO-TrBIB)HUME01285

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