Proceedings of the International Legume Conference, Kew, 24 July - 4 August 1978, held under the auspices of the Royal botanic Gardens, Kew , the Missouri botanical Garden and the University of Reading. 2. Advances in legume systematics

edited by P.S. Herendeen and D.L. Dilcher
Bok Engelsk 1992 International Legume Conference (1978 Kew),· Konferansepublikasjoner
Kew : Royal Botanic Gardens , 1992
4 bl.,326 s. : ill.
Konferansepublikasjoner : (uri) - Konferanser

Andre utgaver/formater

Proceedings of the International Legume Conference, Kew, 24 July - 4 August 1978, held under the auspices of the Royal botanic Gardens, Kew , the Missouri botanical Garden and the University of Reading. 2. Advances in legume systematics
International Legume Conference (1978 Kew)
Edited by R.M.Polhill and P.H.Raven

Bok · Engelsk · 1981
Proceedings of the International Legume Conference, Kew, 24 July - 4 August 1978, held under the auspices of the Royal botanic Gardens, Kew , the Missouri botanical Garden and the University of Reading. 2. Advances in legume systematics
International Legume Conference (1978 Kew)
editors I.K. Fergson and S.C. Tucker

Bok · Engelsk · 1994
Proceedings of the International Legume Conference, Kew, 24 July - 4 August 1978, held under the auspices of the Royal botanic Gardens, Kew , the Missouri botanical Garden and the University of Reading. 2. Advances in legume systematics
International Legume Conference (1978 Kew)
Edited by B. Pickersgill & J.M. Lock

Bok · Engelsk · 1996
Proceedings of the International Legume Conference, Kew, 24 July - 4 August 1978, held under the auspices of the Royal botanic Gardens, Kew , the Missouri botanical Garden and the University of Reading. 2. Advances in legume systematics
International Legume Conference (1978 Kew)
Edited by Charles H. Stirton

Bok · Engelsk · 1987
Proceedings of the International Legume Conference, Kew, 24 July - 4 August 1978, held under the auspices of the Royal botanic Gardens, Kew , the Missouri botanical Garden and the University of Reading. 2. Advances in legume systematics
International Legume Conference (1978 Kew)
edited by M.D. Crisp and J.J. Doyle

Bok · Engelsk · 1995

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