Confederate battle stories
edited by Martin H. Greenberg, Frank D. McSherry, Jr. and Charles G. Waugh
Bok Engelsk 1992
Medvirkende | |
Utgitt | Little Rock, Arkansas : August House Publ. , 1992
Omfang | 193 s.
Opplysninger | Innhold : The disbandment of the army of northern Virginia / Marshall Thompson ; Jack Still / J. P. Marquand ; A debt of honor / F. Scott Fitzgerald ; O captain! My captain! / H. Bedford-Jones ; Gettysburg / Mary Johnston ; Chickamauga / Thomas Wolfe ; The rebel trace / Joseph Hergesheimer ; The bloodhounds / W. C. Morrow ; Affair at St. Albans / Herbert Ravenel Sass ; The second Missouri compromise / Owen Wister ; The centennial comment / Robert Edmond Alter
Emner | |
Dewey | 813.0108358 . - 973.7
ISBN | 0-87483-191-1