History, archaeology and the Bible forty years after historicity

edited by Ingrid Hjelm and Thomas L. Thompson.
Bok Engelsk 2016
: Routledge , 2016
xvi, 229 sider ;
List of figures -- List of contributors -- List of abbreviations -- Acknowledgements -- Introduction / Ingrid Hjelm and Thomas L. Thompson PART I Changing Perspectives in Biblical Studies 1 Old and New in Scandinavian Interpretation of the Hebrew Bible / Douglas A. Knight -- 2 Myth and History: reflections on the relationship between biblical history and history of Israel Reinhard Kratz 3 Out of the wilderness? Some suggestions for the future of Pentateuchal research / Thomas M. Bolin -- 4 The Contemporary Debate over Linguistic Dating of Biblical Texts / Martin Ehrensvard -- PART II Archaeology, History and Cult 5 From Jerusalem with Love / Margreet L. Steiner -- 6 Gender Marking, Overlapping and the Identity of the Bes-Like figures at Kuntillet 'Ajrud Brian B. Schmidt 7 Lost and Found? A non-Jewish Israel from the Merneptah Stele to the Byzantine period / Ingrid Hjelm 8 Antiochus IV Epiphanes and the Jews: a reassessment Lukasz Niesiolowski- Spano PART III Ideology and history 9 From the Search for Ancient Israel to the History of Ancient Palestine Emanuel Pfoh 10 Ethnicity and a Regional History of Palestine Thomas L. Thompson 11 "The Destruction that can be studied": Israeli archaeology and the deserted villages Raz Kletter and Gideon Sulimani 12 The Bible in the Service of Zionism: "We do not believe in God, but he nonetheless promised us Palestine" / Ilan Pappe 13 Arab Scholars' Contribution to Biblical Studies / Ziad Muna -- Index of sources Index of authors. - In History, Archaeology and the Bible Forty Years after "Historicity", Hjelm and Thompson argue that a 'crisis' broke in the 1970s, when several new studies of biblical history and archaeology were published, questioning the historical-critical method of biblical scholarship. The crisis formed the discourse of the Copenhagen school's challenge of standing positions, which-together with new achievements in archaeological research-demand that the regional history of ancient Israel, Judaea and Palestine be reconsidered in all its detail. This volume examines the major changes that have taken place within the field of Old Testament studies since the ground breaking works of Thomas Thompson and John van Seters in 1974 and 1975 (both republished in 2014). The book is divided in three sections: changing perspectives in biblical studies, history and cult, and ideology and history, presenting new articles from some of the field's best scholars with comprehensive discussion of historical, archaeological, anthropological, cultural and literary approaches to the Hebrew Bible and Palestine's history.ology, history and religious development in Palestine and the ancient Near East.
Bibelen : (NO-TrBIB)91002790
historie arkeologi historiografi historisitet eksegese forskning jødedom kristendom
Midtøsten Palestina Israel
Geografisk emneord

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