Ageing and Comorbidity Among Low-Income Psychiatric Outpatients

H. Boerstler
JM Defigueiredo POB 573 Cheshire, CT 06410
4 s.
Summary: The objective of this study was to determine if non-psychiatric morbidity increases with age in a group of low-income psychiatric outpatients. Data on demographics, presenting complaints, DSM-III diagnoses and use of psychiatric services were collected on all individuals (N=382) admitted to a psychiatric outptient clinic serving low-income population. Non-psychiatric morbidity was identified on the basis of medical history, physical examination, and laboratory investigations. Bivariate analyses were done to determine the significance of the associations of comorbidity as the dependent variable. Age was the only variable which was significantly predictive of comorbidity. Additional resources should be allocated for the diagnosis and treatment of comorbidity among low-income elderly.

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