Språkforstyrrelser hos demente pasienter undersøkt med Boston Naming Test

Knut Hestad, Egil Dybing, Per Kristian Haugen, HallgrimKløve
Bok Norsk Knut et al. Hestad
6 s.
The Boston Naming test was applied in an evaluation of anomic difficulties in normal healthy elderly volunteers and demented patients who were referrals to an outpatient geriatric clinic. The patients were divided into two subgroups based on clinical diagnosis: Probable Alzheimer's disease, and patients with dementia of vascular or alcoholic etiology. The demented subjects, regardless of diagnosis, performed much worse than teh healthy volunteers on the Boston Naming Test.The differebce between healthy and demented subjects increased with both stimulus and phonemic cues. The Alzheimer group improved their performance to some degree when the stimulusand phonemic cues were given, while this was not so for the vascular/alcoholic dementia group.

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