Suicidal behaviors in depressed men with a family history of suicide: effects of psychosocial factors and age. 2(4).

E.P. Flint
Bok Engelsk 1998
286- 299
Effects of impaired social support and stressful life events on non-lethal suicidal behaviors were examined in a clinical sample of high-risk patients: depressed adult men with a family history of suicideor attempted suicide. All subjects (N = 79) were participants in theMental Health Clinical Research Center (MHCRC) for the Study ofDepression in Later Life (Duke University, USA). Outcome measureswere self-reported one-year histories of three suicide-relatedideation symptoms and attempted suicide. One-year prevalences forthese outcomes were: death ideation, 58%; death wish, 48%; suicidalideation, 57%; and attempted suicide, 11%. In adjusted models, noneof the four measures of social support (network size, frequency ofsocial interaction, receipt of instrumental support, and subjectivesocial support) increased the odds of any outcome. Thus, in this high-risk group, impaired social support did not appear to increase theodds of one-year history of any form of suicide-related ideation orof attempted suicide. The number of negative life events experiencedduring the year before the study interview was not associated withincreased odds of any ideation symptom, but was marginally higher inmen who had attempted suicide during that year. Older age wassignificantly protective against explicit suicidal ideation (OR 0.95,CI 0.91-0.99) in this sample, but did nor affect the odds ofattempted suicide.

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