Apolipoprotein E genotype in sporadic early- and late-onsetAlzheimer's disease

C. Masullo
Bok Engelsk 1998
Side 121- 125
The epsilon 4 isoform of apolipoprotein E (ApoE) has been proposed asa risk factor for Alzheimer's disease (AD), while the possible roleof the epsilon 2 allele in AD is controversial. We have studied theApoE genotype in 38 patients with early-onset AD (EOAD) and in 43patients with late-onset AD (LOAD). In the LOAD group we observed asignificant increase of epsilon 4 allele frequency as compared withnormal controls, while there was a more than 3-fold decrease ofepsilon 2 allele frequency that did not reach statisticalsignificance. In the LOAD group we found a highly significantincrease of epsilon 4 allele frequency as compared with normalcontrols, while there was a significant decrease of epsilon 2 allelefrequency. In both the EOAD and LOAD groups, no significantdifference was observed between epsilon 4 carriers and epsilon 4noncarriers as for age at disease onset, disease duration, and Mini-Mental State score at observation. However, in both EOAD and LOADgroups a statistical trend towards a longer disease duration wasobserved in epsilon 4 carriers. In both the EOAD and LOAD groups,disease severity was compared in epsilon 4 carriers versus epsilon 4noncarriers by means of analyses of covariance, with disease durationas covariate. No significant difference between epsilon 4 carriersand epsilon 4 noncarriers was observed in both EOAD and LOAD. Theresults of the present study confirm that epsilon 4 allele seems tobe associated with an increased risk for sporadic AD, while thesignificant decrease of epsilon 2 allele frequency in the LOAD groupsupports the hypothesis of a possible protective role of epsilon 2allele in AD.

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