Predictive properties of referral communications for mental illnessand dementia in a community

N. Nagaratnam
Bok Engelsk 1998
Side 117- 120
As a measure of community awareness, this study examined thepredictive properties of the diagnoses in referral communications formental illness and dementia in elderly people. The patients werereferred to the Aged Care Assessment Team from diversified sourcesover an 18-month period, the referral initiators being the generalpractitioner (GP), community nurse, family and others. There were 90patients with dementia and 32 with psychiatric disorders. Thereferral letters were examined retrospectively as to the content andyield identifying a definite or possible diagnosis of dementia orpsychiatric illness. The GP and community nurse had comparable ratesof success as compared with the other two groups. The ability of theGP and other groups to diagnose functional psychiatric disorders wasgenerally negative.

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