A feasibility study of videotaping to assess the relationship betweendistress in Alzheimer's disease caregivers and their interactionstyle

D. GallagherThompson
Bok Engelsk 1997
Side 346- 355
This paper reports the results of an observational study of 15 spousedyads where the wife was the caregiver and the husband was the care-receiver, diagnosed with 'probable Alzheimer's disease'. Couples werevideotaped in their home interacting in an unstructured mealtime, anda structured planning task. Videotaped observations were codedaccording to the Marital Interaction Coding System (MICS). Summarydata from the MICS were correlated with caregiver self-reportmeasures of stress, depression, burden, coping styles, and familyenvironment. A significant correlation was found between the level ofconflict in the marriage and the frequency of positive codes observedin the wife during the observations. Several other correlations,while not significant at the 0.05 level, fell in the expecteddirection. Limitations of this study, and suggestions for futureresearch, are also discussed.

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