Behaviour changes in dementia .1. Point of entry data of aprospective study

T. Hope
Bok Engelsk 1997
Side 1062- 1073
Objective. This article analyses behaviour changes in dementia at thepoint of entry to a longitudinal study.Design. Prospective, longitudinal study of behaviour in dementia,with autopsy follow-up.Setting. Subjects with dementia, living at home with a carer. Alllived in Oxfordshire, UK.Participants. Ninety-seven people with dementia (Alzheimer's diseaseand/or vascular dementia) who were living at home with a carer.Measures. At 4-monthly intervals, the carers were interviewed and thesubjects with dementia were assessed cognitively. Subjects' behaviourwas assessed using the Present Behavioural Examination. This is aninvestigator-based, semi-structured interview consisting of eightmain sections covering many different aspects of behaviour. The 121main questions, with 66 further 'nested' questions, have been shownto have high reliability.Results. This article analyses the types of behaviour change reportedby carers at the point of entry to this long-term study. Fewcorrelations were found between behaviour and age, gender and timesince onset of dementia. Some types of behaviour were significantlymore prevalent in those with greater cognitive impairment.Conclusions. Many of these changes create problems for carers, forexample increased aggressive behaviour, wandering, wakefulness atnight, incontinence and persecutory ideas. In general, they are moreprevalent in people with more severe dementia. (C) 1997 John Wiley &Sons, Ltd.

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