Global Dimensional Complexity of multichannel EEG in mild Alzheimer'sdisease and age-matched cohorts

T. Yagyu
Bok Engelsk 1997
Side 343- 347
Multichannel EEG as sequence of momentary brain field mapsconstitutes a trajectory through K-dimensional state space (K =number of channels); the complexity of this trajectory is assessed bythe nonlinear measure of global correlation dimension (GlobalDimensional Complexity, GDC) with the number of electrodes asembedding dimension, We analyzed eyes-closed EEG of three age-matchedsubject groups: mild Alzheimer's disease (AD; n = 21), mild cognitiveimpairment (29) and subjective memory complaint (29). Kruskal-Wallisstatistics showed an overall effect between groups. AD patientsdiffered significantly (GDC = 4.56) from mild cognitive impairments(GDC = 4.98) and from subjective memory complaints (GDC = 4.93). GDCalso had significant positive correlations with mental condition andperformance (MMSE and WAIS-R scores), Thus, the dynamics of brainstate development over time in mild AD differs from that in mildcognitive impairment and in subjective memory complaint cases.

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