Cognitive impairment in geriatric chronic schizophrenic patients: Across-national study in New York and London

P.D. Harvey
Bok Engelsk 1997
Side 1001- 1007
Severe cognitive impairment has been reported in large numbers ofgeriatric chronic schizophrenic patients in the US, with thisimpairment also being related to severe negative symptoms andadaptive deficits. It is not clear if this impairment is related tothe particular environment of the American state hospitals and wouldnot generalize to other countries. In this study, a sample composedof geriatric (age > 70) chronic schizophrenic patients in London, whowere assessed by the Team for Assessment of Psychiatric Services(TAPS) (N = 137), and a group of geriatric chronic schizophrenicpatients in a New York psychiatric center (N = 86) were compared forthe severity of cognitive impairment and on measures of adaptivefunctioning. Patients received essentially identical Mini-MentalState Examination (MMSE) scores, but differed on 3/4 measures ofadaptive functioning. The correlations among all four aspects ofadaptive deficit and MMSE scores were very similar in the twosamples, suggesting that cognitive deficits and their relationshipwith adaptive impairments are relatively invariant across differentpsychiatric systems of care, while adaptive functioning deficits aremore variable and possibly more influenced by environmental factors,These data add to previous results suggesting that cognitiveimpairment is a common feature in poor outcome geriatric patientswith schizophrenia. (C) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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