Apolipoprotein E genotypes and serum lipid levels in Alzheimer'sdisease and multi-infarct dementia

G.E. Wieringa
Bok Engelsk 1997
Side 359- 362
Objective. Assessment of apolipoprotein E genotype, serum cholesteroltriglycerides, high density lipoprotein-cholesterol and low densitylipoprotein-cholesterol levels in different types of dementia.Subjects. 102 consecutive referrals to an old age psychiatry servicebased at Manchester were classified according to clinical criteriabased on ICD 10.Results. Thirty-seven were considered to have Alzheimer's disease, 16multi-infarct dementia and 33 to be free from dementia. Sixteenpatients, in whom a definitive diagnosis could not be reached orsufficient information was not available, were excluded from thestudy. There was an increase in the prevalence of the Apo E4 allelein both Alzheimer's disease (chi(2)=3.82, p<0.05) and multi-infarctdementia (chi(2)=1.93, p<0.=0.16) by Wald tests compared toindividuals without dementia. The increased prevalence of the E4Allele in multi-infarct dementia was not related to serum lipidlevels.Conclusion. The hypothesis that the onset of multi-infarct dementiamay be precipitated by E4's mediation of higher serum cholesterollevels is not supported by the present study. ((C) 1997 by John Wiley& Sons, Ltd.)

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