Dementia in old age. An anthropological perspective

P.A. Pollitt
Bok Engelsk 1996
Side 1061- 1074
This paper examines the assumption that dementia in old age is auniversal phenomenon that will vary in its prevalence andmanifestation because of social and cultural factors. It finds thatwhile researchers have been successful in demonstrating thecommonality of dementia, they have been less successful in showingwhether or not it varies across cultures and between social andethnic groupings. The inconclusiveness of findings may, in part, be afunction of diagnostic differences and the research methodologiesemployed.New instruments and measures are being devised to overcome theseproblems. However, the sociocultural context in which dementia occursand the meaning of the disorder to those involved (as sufferers andcaregivers) are often missing dimensions. In particular, there islittle knowledge about how the disorders of old age in non-Westernsettings are experienced and understood. In this respect anthropologyhas a special contribution to make to research on dementia.

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